IBA Services
Pre-investment Care
By providing information about:
- The business environment in Bulgaria;
- Market analyses;
- Legal requirements and applicable procedures for the investment project;
- Available plots and facilities;
- Supporting the investors in their planning and exploration.
Communication and Coordination
- Liaison with central and local institutions;
- Contacts with suppliers and future business partners;
- Facilitates meetings between the investors and the appropriate schools and universities for their business initiatives;
- Establishing of strategic partnerships;
- Information about available government grants and EU funding.
Certification procedure and Incentives application
- Assistance services with the required documentation;
- Certification of the investment projects according to the Investment Promotion Act to benefit of certain incentives (more information and documentation in Legal framework);
- Shortcut on the administrative terms;
- Acquisition of land or limited rights in rem over immovable
property without tender procedure; - Social security cashback;
- Reimbursement of the training costs;
- Financing elements of the technical infrastructure.
Post-investment Support
- Support for future expansion & diversification of the economic activity;
- Liaison with central and local institutions;
- Contacts with suppliers and future business partners;
- Facilitates meetings between the investors and the appropriate schools and universities for their business initiatives.
Virtual Office
- Сonsultations through online meetings;
- Investment calculator;
- Register of the investors;
- Register of the free industrial plots and production facilities;
- Interactive map of the human resources.
- Under the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act and the Bulgarian Citizenship Act there is a possibility to receive a permanent residence permit and obtaining Bulgarian citizenship. The foreigner must invest a specific amount in legally defined financial instruments. More information about the procedure could be found in Legal framework.
- Under the art. 189 of Corporate Income Tax Act company could receive a Regional aid in the form of retained tax, the investment project is subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. Additional information about the procedure could be found in Legal framework.